中(zhōng)國(guó)國(guó)際機床展覽會(CIMT)于2015年4月20日盛大開幕,于25日圓滿落幕。中(zhōng)國(guó)國(guó)際機床展覽會是中(zhōng)國(guó)最大的國(guó)際機床工(gōng)具(jù)展覽會,由中(zhōng)國(guó)機床工(gōng)具(jù)工(gōng)業協會主辦(bàn),被國(guó)際同行譽為(wèi)世界四大國(guó)際機床展之一。CIMT已成為(wèi)國(guó)際先進制造技(jì )術交流與貿易的重要場所,成為(wèi)我國(guó)機械制造技(jì )術進步和機床工(gōng)業發展的推動力量,它彙集了世界各國(guó)高新(xīn)技(jì )術精(jīng)華的機床工(gōng)具(jù)産(chǎn)品,促進了中(zhōng)國(guó)本土國(guó)際機床大市場形成,對國(guó)内參展商(shāng)和觀衆來講,這是不出國(guó)的國(guó)際考察,是花(huā)費最少的技(jì )術引進。
在這個引領先進技(jì )術的前沿展會,上海昱安(ān)科(kē)貿有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司也帶着德(dé)國(guó)先進的高效夾具(jù)展示于E1館711展位,本次除了展示部分(fēn)産(chǎn)品外,我們還開辟了可(kě)以和客戶互動的手動操作(zuò)演示環節,邀請到德(dé)國(guó)專家及德(dé)國(guó)總部技(jì )術人員親臨現場為(wèi)客戶講解高效夾具(jù)。曆經6天,技(jì )術人員孜孜不倦,圓滿接待了各行各業的客戶,國(guó)内外機床廠及經銷商(shāng),會展現場直接對接客戶在生産(chǎn)中(zhōng)的疑點難點,為(wèi)客戶尋找既能(néng)适應客戶生産(chǎn)需求又(yòu)高效節能(néng)的夾具(jù)産(chǎn)品,得到了多(duō)方的信賴和好評。
展會還未結束,我們已經開始了為(wèi)展會上新(xīn)老客戶提出的具(jù)體(tǐ)産(chǎn)品或技(jì )術需求做溝通與回複工(gōng)作(zuò)了,感謝(xiè)你們一直以來的支持與厚愛!我們會繼續努力!
China International Machine Tool Exhibition (CIMT2015) is opened on Apr. 20-25th , 2015. This exhibition is a fourth biggest fair in world wide professional of machine tool, which is organized by CMTI. Up to now CIMT was a main place for technical communication and trading corporation between foreign and local manufacturers, at same time it became a strong power to push technology improve and development of machine tool industry of China. At this exhibition complex high-tech machine tool products of world wide, and for the local visitor it was like a international journey but do not need the visa, he can see a lot of advantage technology at one of the fair.
At this exhibition Shanghai Sonnett show few of famous German brand clamping system on BOOTH E1-711. Except DEMO goods for show, we are also prepared the place for live –operating, and we invite German expert and technicians from German supplier to descript principle and application during exhibition time. At all of six days in exhibition our technicians answers several questions from end user seriously, but also we met a lot of old friend comes from local machine company and cooperated distributor. In case of the good answer to survey the problem and difficult question in customer manufacturing, we proud of we’ll be a good partner and confidence supplier to them.
The exhibition still not closed we already have to start communicate the detail inquiry and technical discussion with customer. At all we are appreciate to have your support and love, we’ll do our best to give you the support if you watching any problem in production procedure.
時間(2015-6-9) 來源:http://www.sonnett.cn 編輯:昱安(ān)科(kē)貿有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司 浏覽(1219)